Monday 11 July 2011

A round

A round is a simple, beautiful form.

It can be used for anyone approaching any kind of transition, or something that is a Big Deal.

It works like this.

The group sits in a circle. The person approaching the transition, or Thing of some kind, speaks (from the heart of course - use a talking stick for this?) of what they are about to undergoe and what it means to them.

The group then, one by one, says something to the transitionee. It can be anything. It can be something about a quality of theirs that is relevant now; some words of wisdom about the nature of the transition, or what lies on the other side, if the speaker has gone through the transition themselves; it can be a fond memory of the transitionee in the stage that they are now leaving. It can be anything.

When you introduce it, it's good to ask the group not to spend their time thinking about what they will say. When their turn comes, the right thing to say will come to them. They can listen for it then, when the time comes, and trust that. It's best if everyone gives their full attention to each speaker.

At the end of the round there's energy for some kind of catharsis. A group hug, a big toast, a bit of singing and dancing.

It works nicely at the end of a dinner while people are digesting and before they get up to dance.

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