Hauling wheelbarrows of goatshit uphill through the woods in Charlie’s undisturbed farm – all I can hear are birds bees and insects. All I can see are trees, mountains and earth. And the occasional handmade wooden building or yurt. This nt nt nt nt of nearby insects having relaxed conversations.
Land tribe ancestors.
So. (I’d like to recollect w Limina what people said at that talkaoke.)
Many people, all over, are hungry for stronger community, stronger tribe.
Many people, all over, are hungry for more contact with nature, with land.
Many people, all over, might benefit from more connection with their ancestors, though they may not think much about it now, it’s so foreign in our Christian culture. Christianity did away with the ancestors – turned a few into Saints, sent the rest to heaven or hell to live forever elsewhere, in disconnection. (what about guardian angels?) And for those of us who don’t believe in Heaven or Hell, the dead are simply Gone.
So what do we do abut that within our existing communities? Without taking all the people with a special sense for these connections out of existing communities and throwing them all together in an over-intense intentional community?
Here’s what I’m thinking, lugging shit up a hill.
We nurture tribe by playing, celebrating and worshipping together. (what about making our meaning, solving our problems, improving our lives together?) If we create a scaleable model with the fun fed, shareable practices, and my work on this might extend beyond the fun fed – we could nurture Tribe in many different places.
… more notes in notebook 1.1