Tuesday 2 August 2011

adolescent rites of passage - interesting organisations

PassageWorks Institute in Boulder, Co.
V interesting Senior Passage course, detailed by Shelley / Rachael Kessler in Crossroads.

The curriculum for the course is available for $1000, and taking the foundation course with passage works (22h, $450/ $350 earlybird) is a prerequisite. All together $1350, or £823.

The full information is here.

I emailed about reading and training and a member of the team, Laura, wrote back to me:
Soul of Education is a deeper dive into this work and I think you will really enjoy it.   We also have many other articles that speak to the ROP model and our work--one chapter on school-based ROP that just came out in the book Educating from the Heart.  Our website has links to articles by Rachael and others http://passageworks.org/resources-2/articles-for-download.  So, though the Mysteries sourcebook is long out of print, many people carry this work on!  Rachael was an amazing and brilliant practitioner and collaborator, and she always fostered teams of people who worked with and created together.  This is what PassageWorks is!

Our Foundation Course offers an introduction to our approach to education and working with young people in ways that create a sense of meaning, purpose and deep connection.  Our curricula, (especially our senior passages curricula) are based on a rites of passage model--however, some facilitators and teachers make this model more explicit than others. As we have worked more and more in mainstream education--we often talk about this ROP model as a Transitions model--a way to navigate change and shift. Our senior passages curricula (which is a curricula that comes from the course Rachael describes)  is available to purchase for $1000 (which includes coaching/consulting support), with our Foundation course being a pre-requisite.  Let me know if you are interested or have more questions. 

Best of luck with all you are involved with!


The Ojai foundation

Offers training in being a council facilitator, and has a book called The Way of Council. They do an intro to council training weekend including room and board for $600 (£365) in California.

Animas Valley Institute
Perhaps for an older demographic, the Animas institute does a training for Soulcraft initiation guides. Total training costs are around $16,000.

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