Wednesday 11 May 2011

Eagle's Wing

I've just discovered the Eagle's Wing Centre for Contemporary Shamansim or, otherwise titled, the Eagle's Wing Centre for Shamanic Medicine, in London. It's been going about 25 years.

I don't like medicine. It comes after the event. I like preventative approaches.

I don't like the aesthetics of this website or its blog. They're not culturally resonant. They're weird and shamanic and Other.

The list of stuff they cover - "Ritual and Ceremony, Shamanic Journeys, Soul Retrieval, Movement / Dance / Voicework, Trance Dance events, Vision Quests, Sweatlodges" - are what Bill Plotkin talks about.

But I don't recall him ever using the word 'shamanism' in relation to his practice - maybe I am missing something, I'll look again.

"Shamanism" is a hot word. I'm not sure it's the right word. Humm.

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